Monday, April 18, 2016

Depression, are you real?

Depression, are you real? I have done the research, read the literature and I have come to the conclusion that depression is really real.  Unfortunately I think that I may have depression mixed with baby blues.  I have been the most irritable person over the past two months, always getting into little arguments, getting mad at the littlest things...  But luckily I have found a solution, TAKE THIS STUPID BIRTH CONTROL OUT OF MY ARM!!!  No seriously tho all my problems started the week my nexplanon birth control arm implant got put in.  Don't get me wrong I love the fact that I will be protected for the next 3 years but if these symptoms keep up I might have a nervous breakdown.  I feel so bad for the people that love me most because I can be super irritable.  When I am at work it's completely different, I am totally fine, but once I get home I am a completely different person! So keep tuned for the resolution to my problems because I will be trying some things before I actually make the appointment to get this thing removed! 

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