Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Craziness That is my Life

So this week has been crazy so far.  My nana fell and broke her hip, work is insane with May Day prep, I have an interview for a very important aspect in my life, and I am thinking about going back to school part time to finish up my teaching degree wow is that enough on my plate? lets back it up a minute tho.
So all weekend my Nana has been falling down and not knowing how she was ending up standing in front of her TV, Monday morning came and as we were getting ready to leave the house to drop off the kids and go to work my fiancé hears Nana screaming for help because she fell down.  He was able to get her up and back into bed but she kept getting up and was falling asleep standing up.  So before we left the house we made sure she was in bed and not standing up hoping she would stay there till Papa came home in a little while.  As I am getting things ready at work for the day I get a call that Nana fell again and had to be taken to the hospital because of a suspected broken hip.  Fast forward a few hours and it has been confirmed that she has a broken hip and needs surgery.  After a successful surgery she is doing fine just a lot of physical therapy ahead of her and hopefully things will go back to normal.
As far as everything else goes I can't really get into much detail right now but as more information is available I will definitely write about it.

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