Friday, May 13, 2016

Let the Games Begin

So tomorrow will be my first official day of vloging I am SUPER excited but also really NERVOUS! I already am exposing my life to the world by putting my blog out there but now I will be videoing my life for everyone to see.  I don't mind I love my life and hopefully my struggles will help someone one day who is down thinking they are the only ones with these problems.  I know by watching peoples daily vlogs and by reading peoples blogs I have a new perspective on life and it has helped me so much mentally and emotionally! I have watched so many YouTube videos but I am still confused on when to bring out the camera and how long my vlog should be after I edit together all the footage.  I guess I will get the hang of things it's all a part of the learning process and things will eventually fall into place.  I am excited for this next chapter in my life and I am so glad that you all are along for the ride :)

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