Saturday, May 14, 2016

Living an Oily Life

Well guess what guys!!! I have rediscovered my love for essential oils!!! yes I know I am late to jump on this bandwagon. I started this journey around two years ago, the hubby put my oil box in a place where I couldn't find it lol (I just wasn't looking hard enough) but now I have found it and it was right at the best time possible.  A few weeks ago Sky came down with a horrible fever that just wouldn't break no matter what I gave him so I decided to use a little bit of peppermint oil on him and bam within the hour it broke.
Yes I know that it might have been a coincidence but I honestly believe it was the oil because It has worked on me and my family before and yes I know you should be weary about using peppermint on babies but I have You have no idea how happy I am to have my oils back in my life and to be able to use my diffuser again is just wonderful. 

My three favorite oils are Peppermint, Lavender, and Citrus Fresh (not all together) but I LOVE to put them in my diffuser! Not only does it deodorize my house of the stink that 3 boys can bring lol but It helps to soothe and energize me depending on what I decide to put in it.  My little man Sage loves to use Lavender before bed time I made a little spritzer bottle for him that he calls his sleepy spray and he sprays it all over his room especially on his pillow and it helps hims fall off to sleep with no problems, I have recently used this with my little guy Sky and what do you know, it helps him too.  Well thats all for now guys keep an eye out for more oily posts, probably some diy projects that I use my oils for :)

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